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Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USMRs: 500/-


- Compatible with Canon EF cameras. - Focal length of 24-105mm and maximum aperture of 4.0mm. - 1 super UD glass element and 3 aspherical lenses minimize chromatic aberration and distortion. - Ring-type USM system delivers silent but quick autofocus (AF); full-time manual focus. - 0.23x magnification. - Image Stabilizer technology steadies camera shake at up to 3 stops.

0-1Rs: 500/-
2-4Rs: 450/-
5-8Rs: 400/-
9-14Rs: 300/-
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StatusAvailableAvailable 1
Cost Per DayRs: 500/-
Number of days1
TotalRs: 500 /-
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